Jan Rieke
Fischermatte 18b
79183 Waldkirch
Telefon: +49 (0) 1739657449
E-Mail: info@p2d2.de
Internet: www.p2d2.de
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Images and Design Sources
Google Fonts: http://www.google.com/fonts
Unsplash Beautiful, free photos: http://unsplash.com
Free photos: https://pixabay.com
Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0: http://bit.ly/ZhuJG1
Premium Image and Design Sources
Peopleimages: Royalty Free Images and Stock Photos http://peopleimages.com/
Deathtothestockphoto: Photos, videos & other fuel for your creative projects. http://deathtothestockphoto.com/